Interim Report IR - 02 - 022 Fisheries - Induced Selection Pressures in the Context of Sustainable Fisheries
Interim Reports on work of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis receive only limited review. Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Institute, its National Member Organizations, or ot her organizations supporting the work. Abstract Mann has a major impact onn marine environments throughh exploitationn of fi shh resources. Fisheries cann induce different selective pressures, either dire ctly,, i.e.,, throughh elevated mortality (whichh is oftenn highly selective) or through ecosystem-level responses,, as exploitationn affects food availability and predationn riskk inn both t arget andd nontarget species.. Responses to selectionn can be observedd at twoo levels.. First,, at the community level,, some species may suffer more from effects of harvesting thann others; some may evenn increase inn abundance.. Responses by species too exploitationn are associatedd withh their life histories.. Inn particular,, species withh late matura tionn at large size andd withh low populationn growthh rate tendd too undergoo more pronouncedd declines than early-maturingg species with rapidd growth.. Second, the phenotypic compositionn withinn spec ies may also change.. If phenotypic variability has a genetic basis,, thenn fisher ies-inducedd selectionn cann result inn evolutionary change inn life-history traits influenc ing sustainable yields, behavioral traits (e.g.,, gear-avoidance behavior),, andd morphological tr aits. We discuss the possible implications of fisheries-inducedd adaptive changes for sus tainable fisheries management..
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